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Wholesome Mama Membership

On Demand Therapy for Moms

Stressed, Overwhelmed, Exhausted, and Isolated – as a mom to an infant, you’re going through it all!

You knew motherhood was going to be tough, but you never imagined it would be like this.

You’re not sleeping full nights.

You don’t feel like yourself (emotionally or physically) You spend every waking moment making sure the little life you brought into this world is safe, satisfied, and loved, with no time for yourself.

You are constantly wondering if you are doing this motherhood thing right.

You frequently compare yourself to other mothers who seem to be rocking motherhood in a way that you aren’t.

So many aspects of your life have changed, and it’s not easy navigating it all.

Adjusting to this new life and healing your body takes time, but who has time? With everything that is going on you’re feeling overwhelmed.  Your emotions are in overdrive, making this transition that much more unnerving.

Wholesome Mama is here to help

With Wholesome Mama you can redefine how you view this new chapter in your life. Ultimately, you will learn ways to manage the challenges that come with motherhood, all within the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace!

Through Wholesome Mama we support and empower you to find yourself again, while simultaneously learning tips and tricks to manage all the emotions, challenges, and frustrations that arise during the perinatal period. This in turn will help you be a more present mother and fulfilled in your life.

You can enjoy motherhood

Wholesome Mama™,

is a membership experience created to support you during this trying time in your life. You will learn about many aspects of motherhood that people don’t often talk about, and how they impact the postpartum period.  You will also learn tips and tools to manage and process those difficult parts of motherhood, so you can be a more connected and present mama.  Futhermore, you will get the opportunity to process the difficult emotions that come with being a parent, and create a life and routine that jives with your lifestyle, all while connecting with other like minded mamas. Wholesome Mama is here to help you feel more confident in your abilities as a mother and more fulfilled in all areas of your life. therapy for moms

Many people have the mentality that you can’t successfully balance motherhood and taking care of yourself. Join us on this six week journey to discover the greatest version of you.


Being a mom with an infant comes with its fair share of challenges. Yet, there are many aspects of parenthood that people don’t talk about. You deliver your baby and somehow you are supposed to figure out how to manage this timultuous time without any bumps or bruises? I don’t think so! That’s why in Wholesome Mama we are going to talk about many of the topics people have questions about, but don’t necessarily get answered. We are going to discuss mental health and the pieces of the perinatal period that send many parents spiraling. Remember, it’s okay to not be okay, but you don’t have to stay there!

Coping Tools

What do you do when parenthood gets to be too much? How do you navigate the difficult emotions that surface? Managing challenging emotions is not easy, but there are healthy ways to process all the emotions that surface during the perinatal  period. In Wholesome Mama we are going to discuss and practice various skills that you can use to manage many of the challenges that surface during this period in your life. The beauty is that you can practice them at your own pace and right from your home!


Isolating yourself and feeling like you are alone in the struggle as a mom only perpetuates the challenges you are facing. It’s important to come together and lean on each other during this stage in life. In Wholesome Mama we make it easy to collaborate with other like minded moms through the Wholesome Mama forum. You will get the opportunity to reach out to other moms to share your challenges, as well as your wins. Change does not happen without relationship or collaboration, so let’s build each other up and empower each other towards greatness. therapy for moms


What is the time commitment?

At Mindful Reflections we understand that time is limited. The great part about Wholesome Mama is that it’s self paced. There are a variety of short videos, most are around 5-10 minutes.  You can go as fast or as slow as you need. If you can find 5 minutes a day to either watch a video or practice a skill, that would be the most beneficial. 

Can baby be with me as I watch the videos?

Baby can absolutely be with you as you watch the videos. We know that it can be hard to take time away. However, for some of the videos it can be helpful for you to have a few minutes to yourself, particulary when learning a new skill, as you should try to be as present as possible.

How much is the membership?

The membership is $79.99 for 3 months or $199.99 for a year.

Want to Schedule an Appointment?

Shaina Feingold, LCSW

1499 W Palmetto Park Rd
Suite 212A
Boca Raton, FL 33486


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